February 10, 2025

How To Grow Your Subscription Box With Google Performance Max

If you are looking for a brand new marketing channel which can seriously improve your sales I highly recommend reading this post.

Over the last couple of months we have been testing the newest campaign type from Google which is called Google performance max.

The results have been really good and we are now getting a lot of new subscribers signed up from this channel.

If you haven’t heard of this before, let me explain to you what it is.

“Performance Max is a new goal-based campaign type that allows performance advertisers to access all of their Google ads inventory from a single campaign”

Basically.. when you run this campaign Google will get your ads out across all of their placements.

Your ads will start appearing on.

1. Search

2. Display

3. Gmail

4. Youtube

5. Discovery.

Performance Max is extremely powerful because essentially it’s a black box marketing system were the google algorithm does the majority of the work for you.

This can work really well for Subscription Boxes because a lot of the time search ads on their own don’t drive a lot of volume.

This is because the subscription box concept is still relatively new and depending on your niche, you may not get a lot of search volume as people don’t know your type of business exists.

The campaign set up for Google Performance Max is very simply and the main things you need to focus on for a successful campaign are creatives and copy.

There are some targeting options, but like I said above Google will do the majority of the heavy lifting for you.

Let me explain exactly how to set up a campaign.

In your google ads account you will create a new campaign and select the performance max option.

Once you have done that you will select your daily budget and your goal. (You will go for sales) and set up some very basic targeting.

You will then come to the most important part of the campaign set up. This is the bit where you upload all of your assets.

You will want to upload as many things as possible so you give the algorithm plenty of variation so it can test what works the best.

I will give you some examples.

· 20 different images that fit all the different sizes for all placements.

· 2 – 5 videos for YouTube.

· 5 different headlines

· 5 different long headlines

· 5 different descriptions

It can take a bit of time getting all of this stuff ready, but I highly recommend it because if you get this done correctly, you are giving yourself the best possible chance of running a successful campaign.

Once you have uploaded everything, that’s when the magic happens.

As you probably know google is gigantic and there are billions of users using their stuff all over the world.

Their algorithm will start working to find your ideal customer all over their placements.

If they think there are customers on Youtube, which will sign up. then your YouTube ads will start showing.

If they think there are customers on display then your display ads will start showing.

If they think your ideal customer is on gmail then your ads will pop up there.

They will also start testing all the different headlines, videos, pictures etc.. to find the ideal combinations for best performance

What we have noticed is when you launch a new campaign, it barley spends anything for nearly 3 days and then it will suddenly start.

Once it starts spending it then takes another few days to optimise. When we started using it, I thought it was terrible as performance was initially bad.

It took a while to get going, but now it is performing really well and were getting a lot of new subscribers while also decreasing our CPA.

There a few things to bear in mind with it though.

1. This shouldn’t replace all of your google advertising. Google still recommends you run some normal search with it. (We are doing this on a very small budget)

2. The data you get back from this is very poor. It’s hard to see what placements are actually driving the sales.

3. This could mean a lot of sales are coming from brand searches that you may have gotten already.

4. I still believe you need some other top of funnel campaigns running to supplement this (Facebook, TikTok etc..)

Despite these 4 points I still recommend testing this. Since we started using it we are getting a lot more people signed up for a lot cheaper CPA and that is all that really matters.

Despite these 4 points I still recommend testing this. Since we started using it we are getting a lot more people signed up for a lot cheaper CPA and that is all that really matters.

If you have any questions about google performance max of subscription boxes in general please let me know. Have a great day.

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